Hair & Beauty Classes At Heath School Camden

Careers Information and Guidance

Our careers programme provides a wide variety of  information, experiences and opportunities to support each students as they make decisions about their future. It aims to ensure that every student can make a successful move into their next destination.

We provide a personalised approach. We work with each student to understand their aspirations and interests, so that we can best support them as they make decisions about their career path. Our broad curriculum and personal development offer builds each student's confidence and skills, so that they can be ambitious in their choices.


Heath School Careers team

Heath School has a dedicated careers team who work closely together to plan, implement and review the impact of the careers offer. If you require any information about the careers offer at Heath or would like other information, advice or guidance please contact the careers team below.

Kirsti Byrne - Director of Personal Development 

Evon Antwi - Careers Lead  07961154020 

Tina Mahon - Qualified Career’s Advisor 


The Core Offer

The core offer for all students includes:

  • 1-1 meetings with a qualified careers advisor in school and a progression plan

  • 1-1 meetings with Heath’s careers lead. 

  • Access to careers and labour market information through tutor time

  • Meeting employers and education providers at our annual  career’s fair

  • PSHE lessons - Dreams & Goals which support students to explore their future pathways

  • Offsite and onsite experiences of the workplace 

  • Half termly student review day - opportunity for parents/carers to meet with Careers Lead


Key Stage 4 Students

For Key Stage 4 students we also offer:

  • Work experience

  • Mock interviews

  • Supported visits to colleges, training providers and further education establishments

  • Support with applications and interviews.

  • Transition support to post-16 provision

  • Employability sessions - CV, job applications, job interviews etc


In Partnership With Parents

Working in partnership with parents is key to successful transitions for our students. We make sure all parents and carers are fully informed about the careers activities available for their child at Heath. This includes:

  • Written feedback from the Careers Advisor after each 1 to 1 session, including sharing the progression plan with parents

  • Coffee mornings where you can meet the careers team and find out about what's on offer

  • Transition meetings in Year 11 to plan the support for student’s transitions

  • And an invitation to our Heath School Careers Fair

“The school really listens, and it's giving me chances to do the things I’m interested in when I leave school.”


– Shiya, Heath School student

Please click on the tabs below, for lots more Careers information. Thank you.

Useful websites for students and parents

You can also find useful information on the website links here.

National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities, supported by a qualified careers advisor

Careers Start is a website created to help 11- to 24-year olds discover and explore careers they will love.

Start Profile - a website designed to support young people to match their skills, interests and personality to careers - presented as a game

iCould has a range of video clips showing real people talking about their jobs and careers.

Careerpilot highlights your choices at 14, 16 and 18, explores different job sectors and how you can study and work at the same time – even to university level.

Success At School is a national careers website which helps students make informed decisions about their future, and connects them with employers and universities

How to become shares information about pathways into a variety of careers

Not Going To Uni - careers and apprenticeship advice

Youth Employment UK – Get In Go Far. Work based routes into employment

Talking Futures - A parent’s Toolkit for Careers conversations

Our Careers Offer 2023-24

Careers Curriculum: Intent, Implementation & Impact

Monitoring & Evaluation

We strive to continually improve our careers offer to our students.

The Careers lead submits a termly Compass report to the Central London Careers Hub. This Compass Report evaluates the school’s compliance against each of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. The Report provides information about the strengths and areas for development of the Careers offer at Heath School, and this analysis is used to develop our offer to students.

Bi-annual feedback from parents, guardians, students and staff provides valuable information about the quality of the offer and how it is experienced. This feedback is analysed to inform future planning for the careers offer.

A designated Heath Governor has responsibility for oversight of the quality of the careers offer and the Careers Team reports to Governors on student destination data and compliance with the Gatsby benchmarks. 

Students' destinations are monitored for a 3-year period, and a sustained post-16 placement is a key indicator of the success of the careers programme. Destination data is also analysed to better understand the pathways that students take when they leave Heath so that we can continuously develop our offer.

Course Directory 2024

View Our Gatsby Benchmarks

Gatsby Benchmark
How Heath School Alternative Provision supports this Benchmark
A STABLE CAREERS PROGRAMME  Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers, governors and employers. 
  • Baker clause 
  • Career policy 
  • Identified lead with a strategic responsibility for overseeing the programme. 
  • Has systematic monitoring in place. 
  • Careers is offered with the curriculum.

See curriculum audit (on Compass platform)

LEARNING FROM CAREER AND LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION  Every student, and their parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information. 
  • Ensures the majority of students have used up-to-date and appropriate career & labour market information to help inform career/progression paths.    
  • Encourages parents and carers to use labour market information, future study options and career or transition pathways to aid the support given to their children.
  • Achieved through connexions meeting.
  • Achieved through external recruitment agencies.
ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF EACH STUDENT  Students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each student. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout. 
  • Provides a careers programme that: 
  • Raises aspirations of all students    
  • Challenges stereotypical thinking (In terms of gender etc) 
  • Works proactively with the local authority and careers advisers to provide careers guidance to students. 
LINKING CURRICULUM LEARNING TO CAREERS  All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths. 
  • All/the overwhelming majority of students by the time they leave school, have meaningfully experienced career learning as part of: English, Science and PSHE and Maths in progress. 
  • With our hard to reach pupils and chronic non-attenders we are developing a program which enables them to accredit in subjects. 
ENCOUNTERS WITH EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.
  • Have at least one meaningful encounter with an employer every year they are at your school 
  • We are currently organising bespoke day visits to employers.  
  • We are working with Rinova and have held events. 
  • Links with the Spear employability programme who have visited our students. 
  • We have a LEAN ambassador . 
EXPERIENCES OF WORKPLACES  Every student should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.
  • Have had a meaningful experience of a workplace or community-based setting by the end of Year 11 
  • We are currently arranging bespoke work experience for pupils. 
ENCOUNTERS WITH FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION All students should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace. 
  • Have had meaningful encounters with sixth form colleges 
  • Have been provided with information about the full range of apprenticeships  
  • Have had meaningful encounters with further education colleges             
  • Have had meaningful encounters with independent training providers.
  • With this cohort – sixth form does not apply.  
  • Within Vocational lessons we have explored apprenticeships. 
  • ASK apprenticeships visited Agincourt. 
PERSONAL GUIDANCE  Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a career adviser, who could be internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level. These should be available whenever significant study or career choices are being made. They should be expected for all students but should be timed to meet their individual needs. 
  • All students have had an interview with a professional and impartial careers adviser by the end of year 11 
  • We offer a robust career service.  
  • Offsite education pupils have individualised appointments. 

'Baker Clause' provider access statement

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