Hear From A Year 11 Student...

We're very proud of Year 11 student Jaiyana, who has now re-integrated back into a mainstream school. Read on to see what Jaiyana says.

How have you been supported?

... I feel as though I have been supported well by Heath. Even when I transitioned back to mainstream, my mum still felt able to reach out to Heath for support, as we knew that they would resolve any issues we had.

Why was it important to get back into a mainstream school?

... It was important for me to get back to mainstream as I wanted to sit my GCSEs in the subjects I studied before coming to Heath.

Has the support of Heath School staff made it easier for you?

... Heath has 100% made it easier for me. In my old school, it felt like there was never any help. Whenever I complained about something, nothing would happen and my mum had to constantly fight for things. My mum still emails Anthony, as he has helped to resolve everything. 

Do you think you would have managed without Heath's help?

... No! Sometimes I felt like ‘the excluded child’ in my mainstream school, but Heath helped me to fit in and feel as though I had the same opportunities as everyone else. Heath helped me to realise that I am more than my current situation. 

What has helped you the most?

... Heath’s systems really helped me. Having Drew come down every Friday made a difference, as I was able to talk through any issues I had. Anthony made sure that everything worked well.

Would you recommend other students reintegrate to mainstream?

... I would recommend that other students reintegrate, but it depends on their end goals. Heath provides some core subjects, but I wanted to sit more GCSEs.

Heath helped me to fit in and feel as though I had the same opportunities as everyone else. Heath helped me to realise that I am more than my current situation. 

Brilliant work Jaiyana, we wish you the very best luck in your GCSEs!

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